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wood. wood raw material (MichaelBurov)
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gen. fell a tree; bring down a tree (о сильном ветре, в бурю: The wind just brought down a big tree across Commercial Drive at William St. Power lines are down and fire crews are taping off the area. ART Vancouver); down a tree (Charles described the angel as appearing like a moth with a veiled face, and credited it with protecting his house during a severe storm that downed several trees on his property. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
Makarov. fell a tree; cut down a tree (correction suggested by ART Vancouver); topple a tree (to cause to topple: Storms topple a tree on Whitney Avenue • Storms in Texas topple a tree, and the roots lift a car off the ground.)
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tech. sheared tree
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: 53 phrases in 6 subjects
Wood processing6