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verb | adjective | to phrases
победить vstresses
gen. win; be victorious; vanquish; overthrow; reduce; repel; triumph; worst; beat somebody into fits; outvie; outpoint; score off; get the best of it (в споре и т. п.); get the better; have the best of it (в споре и т. п.); be on the bandwagon (особ. на выборах); do and die; do or die; get the victory; have the victory; win the victory; clean clock (в драке, состязании; кого-либо); come home (в спортивных соревнованиях); have scalp (в споре; кого-либо); strike home (в спортивных соревнованиях); touch home (в спортивных соревнованиях); have scalp (кого-либо, в споре); have the best of it; knock for a loop; down; come of best (denghu); gain a victory; win a game; land (на скачках); bear away the bell (на состязании); carry away the bell (на состязании); gain the upper hand; get the better of; fight down; fight out; carry it away; come out victorious; outperform (MichaelBurov); see off (Acruxia); break the back of (одолеть); overcome; beat; have; thrash (в борьбе, состязании); whop; knock out; knock somebody into fits; knock the spots off; put to the worse; have it; pip; get the best of (someone – кого-либо) to defeat someone or gain an advantage over them Jack got the best of me in the last match. КГА); get on top of (Natalya Rovina); break (страсти); upends (mazurov); conquer; thresh (в борьбе, состязании); be on the bandwagon (особ. на выборах); come in first (прийти первым Franka_LV); win out (VLZ_58); defeat; topple (Connor Bedard had a hat trick while captain Shane Wright added a goal and three assists, and the Canadians toppled Sweden 8-1 on Wednesday in the tournament semifinals – by The Canadian Press  Tamerlane); beat the game (Taras); give one a foil; foil (неприятеля); get above one; Conquer; master; win a victory (over); score (кого-либо)
Gruzovik defeat (pf of побеждать); win a victory over (pf of побеждать)
Игорь Миг have a winning hand; have the winning hand; secure the upper hand against (кого-либо); beat out; get a win
adv. get victory; win victory
amer. take into camp
amer., slang repel (в состязаниях)
amer., sport., inf. whitewash
austral., slang shit it in; take out
dipl. have a victory; get a victory; score a victory; win a victory
fig. stamp out (эпидемию, бедность и т.п.: This The New York Times article shows why we must remain diligent in order to stamp out the pandemic.); beat (болезнь: Martin has returned to his team having recently beat a lung infection. ART Vancouver); take scalp (кого-либо); wrestle someone down (Andrey Truhachev)
Gruzovik, fig. master (pf of побеждать)
idiom. eat someone's lunch (кого-л. Kostya Lopunov); carry one's bat (Mirinare); carry out one's bat (Bobrovska); have the better of something (что-либо Bobrovska)
inf. hammer; whip; thresh (в состязании); do in (в состязании); get (trtrtr); out alpha (Taras); whip up (Agamidae); carry the day (Yeldar Azanbayev)
inf., amer. smoke
lat. aut vincere aut mori
Makarov. come in first; get home (в спортивных соревнованиях); up-end (в соревнованиях, конкуренции); worst (кого-либо); fight it out; draw the winner; find the answer to something (что-либо); achieve the victory; be on the bandwagon; beat the best; bring down (врага, политического оппонента); come off (какое-либо испытание и т. п.); gain a victory over (кого-либо); get the best of it; get the better of (someone – кого-либо); get the upper hand; score off (кого-либо); score the victory; throw off (кого-либо); win out; wipe the floor with (someone); и без труда; кого-либо); wipe the ground with (someone); и без труда; кого-либо); beat (someone – кого-либо); fight off; produce the victory
Makarov., inf. do in (обманом); have done (someone – кого-либо); have done with (someone – кого-либо); polish off (соперника)
Makarov., slang shoot down
mil. overwar; win the field
nautic. foil
obs. debel (неприятеля); debellate
product. get it (Yeldar Azanbayev)
slang cop; cream (в спорте); cut (на конкурсе и т.п.); get away with something; trim (обычно с небольшим разрывом); wipe; sack (в состязании); murder (The other team murdered us. Другая команда победила нас Interex); knock off (в спорте и т.п.); sac (в состязании); slaughter (Interex); smear (кого-либо Interex); blow someone's doors off (кого-либо Interex); paste (кого-либо Interex); get it ("We got it!" == "Мы победили!" - радостно обнимаются после матча "Тигры Восточного Побережья".); trash (в спорте Interex)
sport. dismiss (кого-либо SirReal); edge (Grizzlies edge Mavericks in OT to take West's No. 7 seed george serebryakov); turn aside (e.g. Flyers easily turn aside Senators 5:1 Tamerlane)
vernac. walk in; walk into
победивший adj.
gen. victorious; winning; on top
sport. wining
победимый prtc.
gen. conquerable; vanquishable
перен. победить v
gen. come off with flying colours
победила v
idiom. Game, set and match to someone (Scarlett_dream)
: 536 phrases in 46 subjects
American usage, not spelling7
Equestrian sports1
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
Figure of speech1
Foreign policy1
Horse racing3
Mass media6
Neural networks1
Obsolete / dated1
Oil and gas1
Quotes and aphorisms71
Security systems4
Stock Exchange1