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плохо соображатьstresses
gen. not to know enough to get out of; dodder; not to know enough to get out of the rain; be lame under the hat
Игорь Миг be clueless
amer. not to know enough to come in out of the rain; know enough to come in out of the rain
fig.of.sp. be cloudy-minded (напр., после сна: It appeared about one hundred feet away, and I slowly approached it. I was out here for observing animals, and I was still slightly cloudy-minded from sleep. So as I got close it started screaming again. -- я ещё плохо соображал со сна (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
idiom. not to have a brain in one's head (Bobrovska); not to have got a brain in one's head (Bobrovska); have just one oar in the water (КГА)
inf. be thick (I'm sorry, I'm just being thick today. – Я сегодня плохо соображаю. У меня сегодня голова плохо соображает. ART Vancouver)
Makarov. be lame under the hat
плохо соображающий
gen. heavy
slang rocky
плохо соображающий: 6 phrases in 3 subjects
Humorous / Jocular1
Military lingo1