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gen. shuffle; daddle; drag; jog; lag; loiter
amer. inf. navigate
inf. dodder
| гирлянду
gen. fairy lights

verb | verb | to phrases
плестись vstresses
gen. shuffle (медленно, устало идти Abysslooker); daddle; drag; jog; lag; loiter; trail; follow in the rear (за кем-либо); shuffle off; drag oneself (q3mi4); tag behind (зе кем-либо Anglophile); trudge (запах плёлся петлей вокруг неё- smell trudging the loop arund her Roksa55); plod along; braid; plait; tat; twine; twist; wattle; weave; wind (of plants); toil along; dawdle; straggle along (Mosley Leigh); crocodile fashion (Коромысло); drag oneself along (kee46); wander (об уставшей походке Побеdа); plod (alexs2011); stumble along (to move with difficulty and nearly fall because you are tired or ill: Hundreds of refugees stumbled wearily along the road vogeler); doddle
Игорь Миг wear on
amer., inf. navigate (преим. о пьяных)
emph. snail (медленно идти igisheva)
fig., inf. cheat; get round; swindle
fig.of.sp. limp along (Горянина)
inf. dodder; linger (медленно идти q3mi4); eat up; fib; hatch; intrigue; lie; make up; plot; polish off; scheme; spin; talk nonsense; trudge behind (VLZ_58); wend one's way (VLZ_58); trudge along
Makarov. limp; dodder along; drag along; jog along; jog on; loiter along; plod on; trail behind
obs. sag
плести v
gen. cue; kew; queue; writhe; braid; plait; twaddle; wattle (плетень); lie; plash; plat; twine (венок и т. п.); entwine; strand; wicker (из прутьев); wreathe; span (паутину (и т.п.)); mat (циновки, подстилки)
biol. spin (паутину)
fig. weave; spin; tat; wattle
fig., inf. cheat; get round; swindle
inf. spin (a tale); utter (nonsense); eat up; fib; hatch; intrigue; make up; plot; polish off; scheme; talk nonsense; weave (сочинять)
Makarov. knit; pleach (напр., канат); web (сеть); spin (о пауке, шелковичном черве и т.п.)
mech.eng. twist
nautic. raddle
obs. writhle; brede; pleach (руки)
плетущийся prtc.
Makarov. plashing
 Russian thesaurus
плетя v
gen. деепр. от плести
плетясь v
gen. деепр. от плестись
плести: 161 phrases in 19 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Bookish / literary1
Cycling other than sport1
Obsolete / dated2
Textile industry1
Uncommon / rare1