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плебей nstresses
gen. plebeian; pleb
"плебей" n
avia. plebe (США; ирон.; курсант первого года обучения в West Point или Annapolis MichaelBurov)
плебеи n
gen. plebs; hoi polloi (Ремедиос_П)
Игорь Миг lower classes; little people (Вы знаете, это не совсем верно. Как-то в разговоре жительница Бруклина упомянула, что они с мужем не знакомы ни с какими важными, ботатыми людьми, т.к. "мы -- люди маленькие (little people)". Явно было сказано не в оскорбительном смысле. ART Vancouver)
humor. the great unwashed (Telecaster)
pejor. populace (Populace is increasingly used as a mere synonym for population, but its other connotations linger: "Population" is neutral, while "populace" often carries a superior tone toward the group it refers to.— The Grammarist •: From the beginning, population referred to the collective inhabitants of a place, whereas populace had the meaning “ordinary people” as opposed to the titled, wealthy, or privileged classes. In Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Little Princess (1905), the protagonist has been taught by her middleclass father to be kind to “the populace.” Thrust suddenly from a comfortable life into poverty, Sara learns what it is to be hungry. On the way to buy some buns, she notices a ragged little girl with “hungry eyes”: Sara knew they were hungry eyes the moment she saw them, and she felt a sudden sympathy. “This,” she said to herself, with a little sigh, “is one of the populace—and she is hungrier than I am.” Not only did the word populace refer to the less privileged part of the population, it was also used as a pejorative term for “the mob, the rabble, the unthinking masses.” dailywritingtips.com ART Vancouver)
 Russian thesaurus
плебеи n
gen. в Др. Риме первоначально свободное население, не входившее в родовую общину и не имевшее прав на пользование общинной землей. В результате упорной борьбы с патрициями нач. 5 - нач. 3 вв. до н. э. добились включения в состав римского народа, уравнения в правах с патрициями. В переносном смысле - простолюдины. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
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