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gen. assume the aggressive; carry the war into the enemy's camp (в споре); deliver an attack; deliver an assault
Gruzovik go over to the offensive
Makarov. make attack; take the aggressive
mil. assume the offensive; change over to the offensive; go on to the offensive; initiate the offensive; launch the offensive; pass to the offensive; take the offensive; assume an offensive posture; embark on the offensive; go on into the offensive; undertake the offensive; be going on the offensive (Alex_Odeychuk); be on the offensive (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk); be on the offensive mode (CNN Alex_Odeychuk); move to the offensive (Alex_Odeychuk); go on the offensive (Andrey Truhachev)
mil., arm.veh. jump off
mil., inf. kick off; kick-off
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: 5 phrases in 3 subjects