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verb | verb | to phrases
перестроить vstresses
gen. reconstruct; reorganize; regroup; align; recast; recondition; recompose; rejig; reorder; see rebuilt; rejigger; restructure; make over; change; realign; redevelop; remold (VLZ_58); reengineer (Aidarius); rearrange; switch (to a different channel or station); see rebuilt (что-либо)
Gruzovik rebuild; change (pf of перестраивать)
Игорь Миг reshape; recalibrate
amer. gentrify (as in "gentrify the old center of town"; запущенный район Val_Ships)
archit. convert (to / into: Originally built as the Sons of Israel Synagogue, this Romanesque revival building has been converted into condominiums (...) (Ron Phillips) -- перестроена под квартиры • This landmark building, a former electrical substation, was superbly converted in 1983 into twelve suites, four per floor. -- перестроена под квартиры ART Vancouver)
bus.styl. recast (MichaelBurov)
busin. align (компанию Viacheslav Volkov)
comp. redesign; do over; revise
comp., MS rebuild (To recompile the source versions in order to produce a named set of deliverables (software components))
Gruzovik, construct. re-build (pf of перестраивать); re-form
Gruzovik, mus. retune (pf of перестраивать)
Gruzovik, radio switch over to (pf of перестраивать); re-tune (pf of перестраивать)
math. do surgery (of manifold)
media. reconfigure
mil. re-form; retort
mus. retune
polit. refashion (bigmaxus); remodel (bigmaxus)
radio switch over (to)
перестроиться v
gen. change; change ideas; change views; improve methods of work; realign; rebuild; reconstruct; refashion; reorganize; reshape; revise; readjust (Damirules); do over; redesign; regroup ("We found a way to regroup after the second period and we showed a lot of character. If we had lost this game we would have really felt it. It was good to see everyone rewarded." VLZ_58); change one's methods of work
Gruzovik reform (pf of перестраиваться); change one's methods of work; improve one's methods of work (pf of перестраиваться); change one's views, ideas, etc (pf of перестраиваться)
bus.styl. pivot ("Last March, when the company's executive team saw the possibility of a long lockdown, ToD pivoted within 24 hours to allow employees to work exclusively from home." – компания успешно переориентировалась / быстро перестроилась (Telus ad, BC Business Magazine) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, radio switch over to (pf of перестраиваться)
idiom. flip a switch (The New Orleans Pelicans flipped a switch and pummeled the Utah Jazz in the fourth quarter Wednesday night. VLZ_58)
Makarov. to re-form
mil. re-form
mus. retune
radio switch over (to)
: 49 phrases in 13 subjects
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