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gen. fire-fight; gunplay; slugging; shoot-up; shootup; exchange of shots
| и
gen. and
| кулачные драки
 кулачная драка
gen. fisticuffs
| являются
gen. constitute
| возможно
gen. it is possible
| такими же
 такой же
Makarov. all of a piece
| неотъемлемыми элементами
 неотъемлемый элемент
gen. staple
| вестерна
amer. western
| как
gen. how now
| к
gen. to
- only individual words found

to phrases
перестрелка nstresses
gen. fire-fight; gunplay; slugging; shoot-up; shootup; exchange of shots (Anglophile); gun-fight (Anglophile); exchange of gunfire (Халеев); gunbattle (triumfov); a gun battle (bigmaxus); engagement; shooting again (during a shooting contest); firefight (exchange of gunfire, as between infantry units bookworm); shoot-out (a fight in which people shoot guns at each other Val_Ships)
Gruzovik passage of arms; firing
journ. gun violence (I'm a gun violence survivor. Business Translating)
media. shooting (At least four people were killed Wednesday in a shooting at the Fort Hood Army base in Texas, including the suspected gunman, officials said. It was the second deadly shooting at the base in the last five years.) Zhandos)
mil. skirmishing; fire duel; gun battle; exchange of artillery fire; bickering; interchange of fire; interchange of shots; gunfighting (tallichka); shoot-in (в помещении); exchange of fire (Vladimir Moutafov); fire fight (ABelonogov); fire action (ABelonogov); shootout (a gun battle between armed groups,: An Afghan special forces unit responded to the site of the attack and engaged in a shootout that lasted for 10 hours.); small-arms fire (Aprilen); shoot-out; shots interchange
mil., news skirmish (Government soldiers ran into a group of rebels, and a skirmish followed. • A skirmish broke out after troops ran across a boat belonging to the rebels.)
O&G, tengiz. exchange of firepower (Yeldar Azanbayev)
police shots fired (по рации: Shots fired. Shots fired. Officer down Taras)
polit. exchange of gun fire (ssn)
shoot. series
sport. shoot off (стендовая стрельба pfedorov); shooting-off
артиллерийская перестрелка n
mil. fire duel
перестрелки и кулачные драки являются , возможно, такими же неотъемлемыми элементами вестерна, как
: 1 phrase in 1 subject