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verb | verb | to phrases
переписать vstresses
gen. copy; redraft; draw up a list (of); make a list (of); retype; take a census (of); take an inventory (of); transcribe; type (all or a number of); resit (to resit a test Wakeful dormouse); rewrite; copy over; make a list of
Gruzovik rewrite; retype (pf of переписывать); transcribe (pf of переписывать); type all or a number of (pf of переписывать); draw up a list of (pf of переписывать); make a list of; take an inventory of (pf of переписывать); take a census of (pf of переписывать)
amer. sign the property over to (someone); имущество) на кого-либо Taras)
comp. overwrite
Gruzovik, inf. transfer a title, right, etc from one person to another (pf of переписывать); pass a title, right, etc from one person to another (pf of переписывать); write too much (pf of переписывать)
inf. pass from one person to another; transfer; write too much; turn over (что-либо на кого-либо в знач "передать право собственности": He turned the property over to his niece. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. make a list (of); to re-write; recopy
math. make a census of; write over; sample
переписаться v
gen. be in correspondence (with); copy; correspond (with); draw up a list (of); make a list (of); redraft; retype; rewrite; take a census (of); take an inventory (of); transcribe; type (all or a number of)
inf. enroll in another group; join; pass from one person to another; transfer; write too much
переписать: 60 phrases in 7 subjects
Contextual meaning1
Mass media2
Real estate1