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verb | verb | to phrases
переодеться vstresses
gen. change one's clothes (ART Vancouver); disguise; change (into); shift clothes; get changed (bookworm); disguise oneself as (с целью маскарада, маскировки); disguise oneself in (с целью маскарада, маскировки); change someone's clothes; disguise oneself (as); dress up (as); change (к обеду; ужину MichaelBurov); change one's clothes (one's dress, one's coat, etc.); change out of overalls (out of these old, dirty clothes, out of my smart suit, etc.); change a house coat for a street dress (soiled clothes for clean ones, etc., и т.д.)
Gruzovik, cloth. change one's clothes (pf of переодеваться); disguise oneself as/in (pf of переодеваться); dress up as (pf of переодеваться)
Makarov. shift one's clothes; shift oneself; change clothes; change one's dress
sport. change (dress)
переодеть v
gen. change someone’s clothes; disguise; change someone's clothes; dress up (as, in); disguise someone, something as someone something (кого-либо, что-либо) в (кого-либо, что-либо an316)
Gruzovik, cloth. change someone's clothes (pf of переодевать); disguise as/in (pf of переодевать); dress up as/in (pf of переодевать)
inf. change (an article of clothing); dress someone up (with instr. or в + arc., as); disguise (as); change clothes
Makarov. change someone's clothes (одеть в другую одежду; кого-либо); reclothe
переоденьтесь v
gen. change into other clothes
Переодеться v
gen. Change out of these things (Andrew Goff)
: 55 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Security systems2
Weapons of mass destruction1