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adjective | verb | verb | adjective | to phrases
перегоняющий adj.stresses
chem. drawing over; distilling; running
перегонять v
gen. distance; outstrip; surpass; outdo; distil (спирт и т. п.); outrun; outrange; outride; retort; still; row down (о лодке); dephlegmate; render; overleap; overtake; still-house; drive somewhere else; leave behind; outdrive; transfer; run (о фракциях); smuggle (незаконно через границу, причем что и кого угодно (в т.ч. люедй и военную технику) 4uzhoj); bang; dust; haul (не своим ходом (напр., на трале или автовозе) 4uzhoj); convert (e.g. video format Tanya Gesse); have someone drive (напр., машину // Various options arise when it comes to auto transport. You can have someone drive your car across country, use a rail service which usually takes weeks for delivery, or use an auto transport company that transports your vehicle via an auto hauler. 4uzhoj); run (He's got a boat and he's doing OK. He runs stuff up across the border 4uzhoj); distill (воду, спирт); finestill; outshoot
Gruzovik leave behind (impf of перегнать); outdrive (impf of перегнать); drive somewhere else (impf of перегнать)
Игорь Миг outmaneuver; one-up; leapfrog; edge out; score better
agric. distill over; distil over; drive (livestock)
alum. pass (раствор)
astronaut. ferry (ЛА по воздуху)
austral. tail (коров, лошадей)
auto., avia. ferry (напр., с завода)
auto., inf. take (I am about to hire a driver to take rented truck across the country and follow in my car. 4uzhoj)
chem. sublimate; distil; cohobate; resublime
construct. sublime
dipl. outpace
econ. ferry (самолеты)
fig. drive (to another place)
geol. abstract
Gruzovik, avia. ferry aircraft (impf of перегнать)
Gruzovik, inf. drive away; move (impf of перегнать); transfer (impf of перегнать); tire out (impf of перегнать); wear out (impf of перегнать); overdrive (impf of перегнать); chase away; banish all or a number of; drive in all or a number of; drive together all or a number of; round up all or a number of
inf. banish (all or a number of); chase away; drive in (all or a number of); drive together; overdrive; round up (all or a number of); tire out; wear out; move
Makarov. overtake (overtook; overtaken); dust it; render down; ferry (воздушное судно)
med. distill
mil. outdistance; drive out to; ferry (самолёты)
navig. overhaul (другое судно)
oil distillate; rectify
railw. come over
road.wrk. outspeed
sport. throw out; pass; take over
tech. retify; excel (превосходить); outdo (превосходить); outrun (превосходить); outstrip (превосходить); surpass (превосходить); draw over; beat (превосходить)
textile spool; wind
перегоняться v
Gruzovik race with one another
inf. banish (all or a number of); chase away; drive away; drive in (all or a number of); drive together; round up (all or a number of)
Makarov. pass over
O&G distil over
oil come over
tech. distill over
winemak. come to combi-tank over (о виноматериале)
перегоняющийся adj.
chem. distilling over; coming over
O&G distillable
: 68 phrases in 21 subjects
Alcohol distilling1
Animal husbandry1
Food industry3
Gold mining1
Oil / petroleum4
Oil and gas5
Pulp and paper industry1