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перегнаться vstresses
chem. come over
перегнать v
gen. distance; outstrip; surpass; outdo; distil; outrange (судно в состязании); outride; outrun; retort; still; row down (о лодке); outsail (о яхте, судне); beat to it (кого-либо); leave behind; drive something down to (машину куда-либо plushkina); drive somewhere else; outdrive; overtake; transfer; bang; ferry; forereach; outstride; override; get the start of one (кого-л.)
Gruzovik outdistance (pf of перегонять); outdrive (pf of перегонять); drive somewhere else (pf of перегонять)
Игорь Миг one-up; make rings round; outshine; edge out; score better; out-compete (Догоним и перегоним!)
amer. pertaining to cars transport as in a stolen vehicle, run stolen cars, move a car from place to place, take a stolen car down to some place, drive a car down to some place; run (stolen cars Maggie); take (a stolen car) down to (some place Maggie); drive (a car) down to (some place Maggie); pertaining to cars transport (as in a stolen vehicle Maggie); move (a car from place to place Maggie)
chem. sublimate; distill; distil over
fig. drive (to another place)
Gruzovik, avia. ferry aircraft (pf of перегонять)
Gruzovik, chem. distill (pf of перегонять); sublimate (pf of перегонять)
Gruzovik, fig. overtake (pf of перегонять)
Gruzovik, inf. move; transfer (pf of перегонять); tire out (pf of перегонять); wear out (pf of перегонять); overdrive (pf of перегонять)
inf. banish (all or a number of); chase away; drive away; drive in (all or a number of); drive together; overdrive; round up (all or a number of); tire out; wear out; move
mil. drive out to; outdistance
sport. outpace; pass; take over
: 19 phrases in 5 subjects