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gen. win across; make it through; come over; come over from; come over to; look over
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verb | verb | to phrases
перебрать vstresses
хватить лишнего; переборщить
gen. go through; run through; run one’s fingers over; review in one’s mind; printing to reset; go over the edge with the rams; handle; have had nuf; have had nuff; have a drop too much (Anglophile); finger; go over (in one's mind); look through; pick (out); run fingers (over); turn over; overdraw; have one too many; overhaul (take apart (a piece of machinery or equipment) in order to examine it and repair it if necessary: the steering box was recently overhauled. NOED Alexander Demidov); sort through (в поисках подходящего варианта: We own a two-bedroom apartment that is fully paid off. We've been renovating it to put onto the rental market in February. We suspect we're going to get a lot of inquiries to sort through. Any tips on how I can select a good, long-term tenant? (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik look through (pf of перебирать); finger (pf of перебирать); turn over in (one's) mind (pf of перебирать); go over in (one's) mind (pf of перебирать); run one's fingers over (pf of перебирать)
Игорь Миг get hammered; pick fights
amer. have a few too many (об алкоголе; You'd better not drive. I think you've had a few too many. Val_Ships)
Gruzovik, inf. keep on taking (pf of перебирать); keep on borrowing (pf of перебирать); take over all, a number of responsibilities, etc (pf of перебирать); take in excess (pf of перебирать); elect anew (pf of перебирать)
Gruzovik, prop.&figur. pick out (pf of перебирать)
Gruzovik, tech. reassemble (pf of перебирать)
inf. overdrive (Баян); elect anew; keep on borrowing; keep on taking; take in excess; take over (all, a number of responsibilities, etc); have had a few (to have drunk too much alcohol – By the look of her, she'd had a few even before she arrived at the party. Ин.яз); have a few (Ин.яз); get tight (She got a little tight at my birthday party and passed out under the table. – немного перебрала ART Vancouver); try (в знач. "испробовать": перебрать множество вариантов 4uzhoj)
jarg. have one too much (igisheva)
Makarov. take a drop too much; take a glass too much; pick over
Makarov., inf. overdose on (что-либо)
math. look over; reset; search through; sort out
slang O.D. (наркоты; от overdose Alex Lilo); max out (Anglophile); OD (наркоты; от overdose Alex Lilo); overdose (наркоты Alex Lilo)
tech. reassemble
перебраться v
gen. win across (через реку и т. п.); make it through (Баян); come over; come over from (откуда-либо); come over to (куда-либо, к кому-либо); look over; change coat; cross over; finger; go over (in one's mind); look through; pick (out); run fingers (over); turn over; get over; move; sort out; traverse (4uzhoj); relocate (на новое место Liv Bliss); get across (через что-либо, на другую сорону: We can't get across this trench)
Gruzovik get over (pf of перебираться); cross over (pf of перебираться); move (pf of перебираться); of animals change its coat (pf of перебираться)
inf. elect anew; keep on borrowing; keep on taking; take in excess; take over (all, a number of responsibilities, etc); cross; get across; move (change residence)
tech. reassemble
перебравший prtc.
gen. overserved (Anglophile); as full as a tick; as tight as a tick
slang in jail; blasted (Anglophile)
перебрал v
gen. the malt is above the meal (о пьяном)
перебрать: 47 phrases in 13 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Armored vehicles1
Humorous / Jocular4