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contempt. flit (domestos); frit (domestos); nance (domestos); poofter (domestos); noofter (twd); pansy (Anglophile); gaywad (Alexey Lebedev); pansy boy (upws); sod (igisheva); finook (возможно из итал.яз от finocchio – встречается в сериале "The Sopranos" bazilevs); butter boy (chronik); chub (полненький chronik); nancyboy (4uzhoj); nancy boy (Toughguy); fagalah (Natalia D); fruitcake (driven); flute; fluter; fly ball; maricone; soft butt (inn); nancy; crumb (VLZ_58); banana crammer (LittleUA)
contempt., austral. poof (domestos)
contempt., euph. rear gunner (Andrey Truhachev); shirtlifter (Andrey Truhachev); uphill gardener (Andrey Truhachev); pillow biter (Taras); arse-bandit (I. Havkin)
obs., BrE bugger ( It's a mainly UK/Aus/NZ term. The original meaning of the noun – "a man who commits buggery' – has been in declining use since the 1960s/70s and is now rarely used. Nine times out of ten it's now used simply as a mild slang word for "person" (male or female), especially when you're slightly annoyed with that person. When used as such the sexuality/sexual behaviour of the person concerned isn't being referred to at all, e.g.: Our neighbours are funny [=strange] buggers – they never talk to anyone.; Comment by johnstephenson)
rude fag (Andrey Truhachev); fagbag (Am.E. Taras); shit shoveler (Taras); cornhole fucker (Am.E. Taras)
Игорь Миг, inf. capon (пренебр.)
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects