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comp., MS task bars (Office System 2010 ssn)
панель задач
comp. taskbar
comp., MS taskband (A special instance of a deskband on the taskbar that cannot be turned off by the user and offers the primary means to view and switch between the running tasks in the Windows system); taskbar (The bar that contains the "Start" button and appears by default at the bottom of the desktop. You can click the taskbar buttons to switch between programs. You can also hide the taskbar, move it to the sides or top of the desktop, and customize it in other ways)
IT task bar; task tray (Alex Lilo); system tray (Alex Lilo)
media. Taskbar (служит для запуска программ и является основным инструментом для переключения от одного приложения к другому, в Windows 98, в Windows 95 — горизонтальная полоска внизу экрана с отдельными кнопками для переключения приложений)
progr. task pane (ssn); task pad (ssn); taskpad (ssn)
telecom. task panel (oleg.vigodsky)
панель задач Windows
telecom. Windows task bar (oleg.vigodsky); Windows taskbar (oleg.vigodsky)
панели задач
: 33 phrases in 7 subjects
Computer security1
Information technology11
Mass media6