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gen. overtake (to be overtaken by terror – быть охваченным ужасом); pervade; seize (о страхе, панике) usu. pass); smite; seize pass; crowd; enlace; inlace; prepossess; take hold (of; о массовых волнениях и т.п. denghu); take; come over; take something by storm (Cleansing balms have taken the skin care world by storm in the past couple of years. Moscowtran); draw (in); enclasp; involve (in); put arms around; take in (взглядом kee46); fall; blanket; comprehend; cover (the book covers the whole subject – книга даст исчерпывающие сведения по всему предмету); grasp; lap; overcome (о чувстве); span; sweep; wash (о чувствах, эмоциях); buckle in; put one's arms around (usu. with руками); embrace; engulf; overwhelm (At some point, the witness pulled over to relieve himself, and that was when things became bizarre, indeed. As he was out there doing his thing, he was suddenly overwhelmed by a feeling of inescapable, incapacitating dread. -- его охватило чувство mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver); grip
Gruzovik embrace; put one's arms around (pf of охватывать); enclasp (pf of охватывать)
Игорь Миг be pervasive
account. reach (определённую группу потенциальных покупателей)
astronaut. encompass
book. enchain (enchained by sorrow – охвачен горем ART Vancouver)
el. bypass (напр. территорию средствами связи)
fig. take in
fig.of.sp. cover ("In this section, we cover" – В этом разделе мы охватим(=рассмотрим) <определённые вопросы> Ralana)
Makarov. crowd upon; seize with (о страхе, панике); wash over (о чувствах, эмоциях)
Makarov., inf. get hold of (someone); о страхе, болезни)
market. penetrate (охватить ноый рынок – penetrate a new market tfennell)
math. contain; include; surround; comprise; involve; enclose; cover; overcome
mil. envelop; envelope
patents. read on; read upon
: 155 phrases in 11 subjects
Contextual meaning1
Mass media1
Wood processing1