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отчитываемый adj.stresses
comp. accountable
отчитывать v
gen. reprimand (suburbian); give sb. a hard time (кого-л.); blow up; rebuke; take to task; jaw; tax; tutor; keelhaul; rag; wig; administer a rebuke; read a lecture (кого-либо); lesson; rater; take up; lecture and hector (felog); berate (mazurov); start on (Mermaiden); dress down (triumfov); grue; reprehend; school; scold; chastise (bigmaxus); give a lecture (кого-либо); come down on (кого-либо); give a piece of mind (The sergeant gave the soldier a piece of his mind for not cleaning his boots; syn.: bawl out, tell off Taras); ride; tell off (to tell someone that their behavior is not acceptable // I didn't find irritating when people answered saying their names in Germany. The irritating thing for me was that I was told off a few times by my German colleagues for not doing it myself. 4uzhoj); lecture; row; haul up; rate; snub; tick off (kozelski); give somebody a lecture (кого-либо); read somebody a lecture (кого-либо)
Игорь Миг give a real tongue lashing; lash out; lash out against
amer., inf. hop (on; кого-либо)
austral. go crook (someone – кого-либо)
euph. take to the woodshed (Ivan Pisarev)
Gruzovik, inf. give a lecture to (impf of отчитать); give a good talking to (impf of отчитать)
idiom. take into the woodshed (george serebryakov); call on the carpet (MichaelBurov)
inf. comb (часто comb down); blast (george serebryakov); bawl out; give someone a talking-to; trim; tee off (Andrey Truhachev); read a lecture (to); ruck; comb; give a good talking to; give somebody a dressing down (lizaveta m_va); chew ear off (VLZ_58); chew out (MichaelBurov)
inf., mil. rack
Makarov. call over the coals; deliver a rebuke; give someone a dressing down (кого-либо); give a rebuke; go crook on (someone – кого-либо); keep on (at; кого-либо); lecture on (за что-либо); tell someone off (кого-либо); pull up
Makarov., inf. drop across (кого-либо); drop on (кого-либо); drop upon (кого-либо); go on (at); comb down
Makarov., inf., amer. tee up; hop on (кого-либо)
Makarov., obs., engl. dust down (кого-либо)
mil., inf. mouth-off (подчинённого)
mil., lingo blitz (MichaelBurov); clobber (MichaelBurov); pull rank (MichaelBurov)
relig. exorcise (antonv); read the prayers of exorcism over + acc. (antonv)
school.sl., univer. pi-jaw
scottish card
slang call down ("Yesterday my tutor called me down". == "Вчера мой препод вставил мне по первое число", - жалуется Джон Мику после прогула семинара.); dress down ("Yesterday my tutor called me down". == "Вчера мой препод вставил мне по первое число", - жалуется Джон Мику после прогула семинара.); freeze; give someone a hard time; see off; read (NGGM); dress down (MichaelBurov)
vulg. give hell to (someone – кого-либо)
отчитываться v
gen. account for (with в + prepl); account (в чём-либо); take account of (за что-либо, за какой-либо период времени Belka Adams); report on something (за что-либо); answer to (I only have myself to answer to. – Я ни перед кем не отчитываюсь, кроме самого себя. ART Vancouver); give an account (with в + acc., of); report in (4uzhoj); give account (Andrey Truhachev); report (with перед, to); be accountable (to); give an accounting of; submit a report (о доходах: You are only required to submit a monthly report if you have received income from a job, or have changes in your income or circumstances. -- подавать ежемесячный отчёт / отчитываться каждый месяц ART Vancouver)
account. render account
audit. report to (ch_transl)
busin. give an account of; make a report (Andrey Truhachev); report back to (smb); report to (smb)
econ. account; give an report
formal give a report (Andrey Truhachev)
inf. read a lecture (to); rebuke; give a good talking to; lecture
Makarov. account for (перед кем-либо в чём-либо); account to (перед кем-либо в чём-либо); render an account (of); report on
patents. make a report; deliver a report
product. account for defence expenditures (Yeldar Azanbayev)
seism. account for (в чём-л.)
: 67 phrases in 12 subjects
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