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gen. push off; shove off; antagonize; discard; drive back; push aside
fig. alienate; dispense
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sport. sdws

verb | verb | to phrases
оттолкнуть vstresses
gen. beat back; beat off; dash from; push by; throw off; thrust aside; thrust away; thrust back; thrust off; thrust from; push away; push off; jostle (jostle for power – локтями пробивать себе дорогу к власти); repulse; spurn; jostle from; wap; push out of the way (кого-либо); price oneself out of the market; jostle away (Franka_LV); dash; nudge (легонько Рина Грант); antagonize; drive back; push aside; push back; discourage (иногда подходит Tanya Gesse); beat someone back
Gruzovik push away
footb. push
Gruzovik, fig. antagonize (pf of отталкивать)
inf. shove ("(...) that was when the boy, quick as a whip, snagged my jacket with his hand, and at the same time smiled. I tell you, I will never forget that smile. His teeth, they were like they were made out of metal, gleaming, and that was what I think snapped me out of it, those teeth. The weight that had been holding me down was lifted and I shoved that sucker as hard as I could." mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
lit. alienate (Yanamahan)
Makarov. poke away; shove away; push off (шлюпку и т. п.)
nautic. push off (шлюпку)
phys. repel
psychol. disenfranchise (Los Angeles Times Alex_Odeychuk)
shipb. shove off
оттолкнуться v
gen. push off (от берега); shove off (от берега – в лодке); antagonize; discard; drive back; push aside; push away; push back; spurn; kick off (from something, ногами Рина Грант); repel (one another)
Gruzovik repel one another (impf of оттолкнуться)
fig. alienate; dispense (with); take as a starting point
Gruzovik, fig. dispense with (impf of оттолкнуться); discard (impf of оттолкнуться)
math. repel; repulse
skiing take off; jump off
: 46 phrases in 7 subjects