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verb | verb | to phrases
отстегнуться vstresses
gen. unfasten (transitive/ intransitive Bohr)
Gruzovik come unfastened (pf of отстёгиваться); come undone (pf of отстёгиваться)
brit. come adrift (VLZ_58)
отстегнуть v
gen. unbuckle; unclasp; unsnap; unstrap; blow (деньги на расходы; источник goo.gl dimock); undo; unfasten; unhook; unlace
Gruzovik unfasten; undo (pf of отстёгивать)
Игорь Миг kick back; dole out money (It will only be implemented if we dole out lots of money.)
amer. blow off (Maggie); get rid of as in we'll get rid of you (One of the meanings... Maggie); max out (говоря о сумме денег Alex_Odeychuk); have maxed out (to ... – ... кому-либо Alex_Odeychuk); hand over money (Maggie); shell out money (Maggie); dole out money (Maggie)
auto. unbutton
slang stump up (сумму Баян); fork out (деньги Vic_Ber); cough up (The plane was the boat-like Benoist XIV, which only had room for the pilot and the auction-winning bidder, who coughed up a healthy $400 for the experience Гевар); blow (деньги; Br.? Vic_Ber); shell out (денег AsIs)
tech. unclip (kavsrv)
: 9 phrases in 4 subjects
American usage, not spelling1