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отнюдь неstresses
gen. not by a long shot; not nearly; not bv a long way; not by a jugful; nowhere near; not by a long way; not by any means (Anglophile); anything but; far from (a/an Liv Bliss); do nothing to do something (Евгений Тамарченко); nowise; nothing less than; eminently (это отнюдь не недостижимо / it is eminently achievable Liv Bliss); something less than (the road was something less than smooth – дорога была отнюдь не гладкая); not exactly (Abysslooker); be far from (This work is far from being easy Johnny Bravo); by no mean; naught; nought; set at naught
Makarov. none; by no; by no manner of means
math. not at all; not much; the rocket is by no means a modern development
relig., lat. Nullatenus ("nowise", сокр. Nultus.)
отнюдь не
: 95 phrases in 5 subjects