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отложенные налоговые активы
 Отложенный налоговый актив
account. deferred tax assets
 отложенные налоговые активы
account. deferred tax assets
bank. deferred tax assets
 отложенный налоговый актив
gen. deferred tax asset
| и
gen. and; too; also
book. versus
chinese.lang. yi
| обязательства
gen. liability

to phrases
отложенный налоговый активstresses
gen. deferred tax asset (bookworm)
отложенные налоговые активы
account. deferred tax assets (счёт 09) Deferred tax assets are created due to taxes paid or carried forward but not yet recognized in the income statement. Its value is calculated by taking into account financial reporting standards for book income and the jurisdictional tax authority's rules for taxable income. For example, deferred tax assets can be created due to the tax authority recognizing revenue or expenses at different times than that of an accounting standard. This asset helps in reducing the company's future tax liability. It is important to note that a deferred tax asset will only be recognized when the difference between the loss-value or depreciation of the asset is expect to offset future profit. ABelonogov)
отложенный налоговый актив
account. deferred tax asset (alexdvinyatin)
отложенные налоговые активы
bank. deferred tax assets
Отложенный налоговый актив
account. deferred tax assets (alexdvinyatin)
отложенные налоговые активы и обязательства
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects