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police shots fired (Andy)
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gen. engage; deliver fire; open fire (on felog); no, to open fire (on)
comp.games. right click (в большинстве компьютерных игр right clicking означает "открыть огонь из штатного оружия" CCK)
Makarov. commence fire
Makarov., mil. open up; take on
mil. bring down fire; loose the barrage; take on (по); open (on 4uzhoj); open fire on (to begin shooting at: The troops opened fire on the enemy. Val_Ships); open with fire (Federal artillery opened with fire on the Baltimore Battery 4uzhoj); open fire; engage (Two batteries of "eighty-eights" engaged enemy tanks on the western hills.)
mil., artil. start fire
mil., lingo open up (эллипсис от "open fire": Shortly after that our guns opened up and I believe that two more missiles left the ship when the guns were firing. 4uzhoj); open (on someone; эллипсис от "open fire on": They opened on us with mortars. • At 2.30 the enemy opened on us with rifles. 4uzhoj)
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gen. naked flame (Juldiz)
geol. naked light
met. open light
mining. blazing fire (при подземном пожаре); exposed light
O&G, oilfield. open fire
OHS naked lights (Leonid Dzhepko)
tech. open flame
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mil. open fire! (команда Val_Ships); engage (команда)
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: 80 phrases in 15 subjects
Armored vehicles1
Firefighting and fire-control systems3
Food industry1
Meat processing3
Occupational health & safety1
Oil / petroleum1
Weapons and gunsmithing2