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gen. outer; cut-out; straight; public; free; above board
geol. plain
mil. tech. cut and cover
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gen. listening
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adjective | verb | verb | to phrases
открытый adj.stresses
gen. outer (outer space – открытый космос Min$draV); cut-out; straight (напр., о взгляде Евгений Тамарченко); public; free; above board; bleak; open (о слоге, звуке); direct; patent; above-board; expansive (о характере); frank; hospitable; naked; professed; uncovered; unclosed; fair and square; straightforward (в смысле открытый, искренний); aboveboard; card-carrying; confessed; fenceless; on-limits; open-door; open-faced; outer-directed (для общения); overground; patulous; shadeless; straight-from-the-shoulder; straight-out; unbarred; unconcealed; unfenced; unstopped; up front; breezy (о местности); cutout; defenceless; downright; exposed; open-hearted; shadowless; sightly; unclassified; unprotected; open as the day; open or shut; overt (в противоположность covert: U.S. intelligence reports point to overt Russian assistance in training separatists in the use of heavy weapons moved into the conflict area. • Tehran, despite its recent history of interference in the region, ... has avoided overt aggression against any of its neighbours. 4uzhoj); outright; unbolted; not obstructed (в знач. "не заблокированный"); open-end; apparent (видимый kee46); raw (о частях тела человека и животных, а также в переносном смысле Vadim Rouminsky); open-type (kee46); unanswered (о вопросе Ремедиос_П); on the record; overt (U.S. intelligence reports point to overt Russian assistance in training separatists in the use of heavy weapons moved into the conflict area. • Tehran, despite its recent history of interference in the region, ... has avoided overt aggression against any of its neighbours); unresolved (вопрос, проблема sankozh); broad; fair; professional; round; undecided (вопрос); undone; undrawn; low-cut (of a dress); defenseless; unfastened; unvarnished; unveiled; upfront (Alex Lilo); stand someone up; stand-up; as open as the day (Anglophile); low-necked (о наряде Anglophile); revealing (о характере человека Belka Adams); frenker (Interex); avowed (enemy MargeWebley); open-breasted ("Thou art his friend (The confidence he has in thee confirms it), and therefore I'll be open-breasted to thee." John Fletcher & Philip Massinger, "The Custom of the Country" Юрий Гомон); vocal (e.g. открытый враг = vocal enemy Tanya Gesse); all year; card carrying; free for all; on limits; open faced; open hearted; outer directed; straight from the shoulder; straight out; ingenuous; standup (о борьбе); upstanding; a matter of public record (о политике 4uzhoj); exposed to general knowledge; guileless; honest; liable to something; not covered; not enclosed; not protected against something; not secret; not shut; responsive; disclosable (SirReal); extroverted (Alex_Odeychuk)
Gruzovik candid; openhearted
amer. above-ground
anim.husb. round (о ране)
archit. hupaithric; hypethral
auto. on; open; доступный accessible
avia. on the record
busin., Makarov. unclosed (о счёте)
chem. opened out
clin.trial. open-label (об исследовании igisheva)
comp. clear; open-ended; opened
comp., MS open (Pertaining to the status assigned to records in the system that are in progress)
construct. ground (напр., склад)
data.prot. unencrypted
dipl. flush; upon record; on record
dril. obvious
fin. on-the-table (Alex Lilo)
food.ind. uncaped
geol. plain
IT extensible; extendible
law public (о заседании)
law, mil. undefended (о городе)
Makarov. bare; barefaced; hypaethral; open-loop; unenclosed; unsealed (о забое)
math. discovered
med. accessible; ongoing (контекстуально Гера)
media. open (модифицируемый, не контролируемый каким-то отдельным изготовителем)
mil. transparent
mil., arm.veh. on
mil., tech. cut and cover; clear (путь)
mining. surface
mus. open (о струне, не прижатой к грифу); vide (о струне, не прижатой к грифу)
nautic. open-top circulating water channel
neol. unconservative (see Power Thesaurus Ananaska)
nucl.pow. unencapsulated (ИИИ Iryna_mudra)
obs. bleaky; dilucid; pert; profest
oil barefoot; bare-foot
paleont. wall-free
phonet. broad (о звуке)
phys. unlatched
polym. open-air
psychol. essentic; transparent (о человеке: If “Someone is Transparent” it means that person cannot or does not hide or conceal anything. It means observers who want to know what this “Someone” is up to, the observers are free to observe. A person who is “Transparent” has no secrets and tells no lies. quora.com TopGar); prescientific
qual.cont. accessible (о проводке)
scub. unprotected (о местности)
slang up and up; level; on the level; on the up and up; on the up-and-up; wall-to-wall (Interex)
softw. active (об окне, вкладке igisheva)
sport, bask. open (никем не защищённый)
sport. open up; opened up
tech. unregistered
therm.eng. outdoor
TV free to air (бесплатный – о телеканалах Revinsky)
открыть v
gen. discover; reveal; broach (бутылку вина); unplug (бочку); answer (дверь – на звонок, стук и т.п.); turn on the gas; unearth (секрет – to unearth a secret Artjaazz); clear; unclose; turn on; disclose; unveil; inaugurate; separate; bare; lay open; uncover; unfold; detect; invent; start; unblock; lead off (прения, бал); branch out (новый цех, отдел); spring open (рывком, нажимом); popout (Telephonic-interpreter); make a discovery (что-либо Mining_Lawyer); disembosom; unkennel; unmuffle (лицо); blab (тайну); find out; uncurtain (ssn); disbosom (Pippy-Longstocking); strike; unbar (дверь, путь и т.п.); unfasten; confide something to (someone); to confide [a secret/a mystery/one's secret desire/the truth/...] to someone – открыть [секрет/тайну/чьё-либо секретное желание/правду/...] кому-либо; что-либо, кому-либо TarasZ); bring to light (kee46); crack open (консерву 4uzhoj); break open (с силой, приложив усилие)); breathe; broche (склад); espy; hunt out; set open; throw open; undraw (занавес); unmask; loose; pull out (Let me pull out the textbook (позвольте мне достать/открыть учебник) itsanastasia); pop open (только о газированных напитках: Doc Wallach also cautioned against consuming carbonated beverages and advised popping open the can or bottle, leaving it overnight, and drinking it flat in the morning. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik open (pf of открывать)
amer. call to order (собрание); dedicate
astr. discover (комету, планету)
cinema open up (the lens, the shutter, диафрагму, обтюратор)
comp. open
comp., MS tap to open (A text string that the user can tap to open a file downloaded from Internet Explorer. Rori)
fin. invite (подписку)
geol. open up; tap
idiom. pop open (kirobite)
inet. go (кнопка на вебсайте gconnell)
inf. pry open (бутылку; a bottle Val_Ships)
law develop (ресторан, торговую точку (контекстуальный перевод) 'More)
Makarov. turn up (карту); branch out (новый цех, отдел и т. п.); open up (возможность)
math. push open
mil. bring down (огонь)
nautic. uncap; raise (отдалённый предмет)
railw. open out
slang make
valves actuate (клапан, кран igisheva)
открыться v
gen. declare; open; open into; greet; confide in (кому-либо: I could no longer keep this secret alone; I decided to confide in my brother. Alexander Akopov); break guard; fall vacant (о вакансии lexicographer); come open (о вакансии lexicographer); unclose; unstuck; declare oneself; discover oneself (кому-либо); be pushed open (linton); come to light; confide (in someone: I could no longer keep this secret alone; I decided to confide in my brother.); detect; disclose; turn on; uncover; be revealed; discover; reveal; become available (SirReal); burst open; come on stream (напр., о магазине, агентстве и т.д. Ремедиос_П); be opened; open up before one’s eyes
Gruzovik recrudesce (pf of открываться; break out anew or come into renewed activity, as after a period of quiescence); be revealed (pf of открываться); confide in/to (pf of открываться); come to light (pf of открываться)
amer. keep it real (MichaelBurov)
fig. open up to (with dat.); confide in
footb. make oneself available (из телетрансляции skysports Intense)
idiom. get under way (Shortly after trading got under way in Moscow the ruble dropped to 40.046 against the greenback, a historic low. VLZ_58)
Makarov. break guard (бокс); come into the open; come out into the open; come unstuck (о чём-либо заклинившемся); disembosom oneself to (кому-либо); become unstuck (о чём-либо заклинившемся)
Makarov., sport. open up (об игроке)
relig. appear; behold; make known
seism. open up (о шве)
sport. get open (Markov) knows how to get open and I saw him just out of the corner of my eye. VLZ_58)
tech. open up
открыто adv.
gen. straightforward; in open; in plain; in one's face
открытый API adj.
IT OPENAPI (MichaelBurov); open API (MichaelBurov)
открытая adj.
nautic. W'r (о палубе); weather (о палубе)
открытое adj.
clin.trial. open-label (iwona)
med. unblinded (исследование aksolotle)
полностью открыт adj.
tech. backseated (Nick Golensky)
открытые adj.
chromat. wall coated open tube (незаполненные) (ООК) (колонки; WOCT eugeene1979)
Откройтесь! v
footb. Options! (предложите себя для паса; Так, напр., кричит игрок, когда ищет кому бы дать пас и просит партнеров открыться из-под опеки соперников Serik Jumanov)
"открытый" adj.
mil., avia. unclassified
открытое прослушивание
: 1 phrase in 1 subject