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открытая пористостьstresses
gen. effective porosity (also called open porosity. Refers to the fraction of the total volume in which fluid flow is effectively taking place (this excludes dead-end pores or non-connected cavities). This is very important for groundwater and petroleum flow, as well as for solute transport. (wiki) – АД); effective porosity (also called open porosity. Refers to the fraction of the total volume in which fluid flow is effectively taking place (this excludes dead-end pores or non-connected cavities). This is very important for groundwater and petroleum flow, as well as for solute transport. (wiki) Alexander Demidov)
geol. total porosity (Joyo)
met. apparent porosity; interconnected porosity
O&G connected porosity (Kazuroff)
O&G, oilfield. PIGN (петрофизика, мнемоника Шлюмберже evermore)
oil intercommunicating porosity
polym. hole content
silic. opened porosity
tech. accessible porosity; open porosity
открытая пористость ((-vcl x
geol. effective porosity (cl Seregaboss)
открытая пористость ((-vcl
: 8 phrases in 5 subjects
Oil / petroleum2
Oil and gas2