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verb | verb | adjective | to phrases
отключиться vstresses
gen. escape; switch off (Serahanne); tune out (о передатчике В.И.Макаров); cut off; deenergize; detach; disconnect; isolate; turn off; zone out (Taras); be off-line (Taras); conk out; space out; switch off
Gruzovik become disconnected (pf of отключаться)
Игорь Миг shut down
amer. die (my phone died on me Val_Ships)
brit., inf. flake out
commun. hang up
comp. go blank (о дисплее: the display will go blank and keys will not operate during calculation Andy)
fig. be out (Vadim Rouminsky)
idiom. brain cramp (от реальности hoax); be out like a light (After work I was out like a light – После работы я сразу отключился Taras)
inf. zonk out (потерять сознание; мгновенно уснуть Stingray_FM); on cruise control (от всего VLZ_58); crash out (быстро уснуть Andrey Truhachev); pass out (от сталости, от боли и т.п.); conk out (о сознании Val_Ships); out there (VLZ_58); drop off (заснуть dimock)
Makarov., inf. crash out
mil., lingo go off the comms (выключить передатчик рации: Ian gave the directions and then went off the comms. 4uzhoj); switch off the comms (выключить средства связи 4uzhoj)
slang crump (от большой дозы алкоголя или усталости); go out; hear the birdies sing; tune out; feel no pain (Anglophile); tie it off; black out (VLZ_58); zip out ("He got what he came for," Douglas's rep told PEOPLE, referring to the vodka. "He enjoyed it indeed, and then he zipped out. Twenty minutes later, he was tucked into bed." Kirk Douglas Celebrates 100 with a Star-Studded Birthday Party (and a Little Vodka) VLZ_58); belly up (VLZ_58); have a brainfart (VLZ_58); code out (NGGM)
tech. unplug; conk out (о механизме: after 30 minutes the generator set conked out Val_Ships); override
отключить v
gen. unplug (от розетки); turn off; disconnect (from: The biggest tools in the West's armoury appear to be sanctions and supporting the Ukrainian military. The ultimate economic hit would be to disconnect Russia's banking system from the international Swift payment system. bbc.com); kill; displug; deenergize; open
Игорь Миг wean off; disengage
astronaut. de-energize; shut down
box. knock into seizure (ударом до состояния, когда происходят непроизвольные мышечные конвульсии andreon)
bus.styl. phase out (MichaelBurov)
comp. disable; gronk
comp., MS unplumb (To destroy any streams linked with a physical or logical interface and close the related device); disable (To make a device, component, or feature nonfunctional. For example, if you disable a device in a hardware configuration, you cannot use the device when your computer uses that hardware configuration. Disabling a device frees the resources that were allocated to the device); disconnect (To break a connection); detach (To stop exposing a surfaced virtual disk to the user)
context. opt out (в знач. "отказаться от": Google tells users they can opt out of targeted advertising. A.Rezvov)
dril. shut off; remove from the line
el. disconnect; cut
electr.eng. trip (MichaelBurov)
IT unregister
literal. pull the plug (эл. питание Val_Ships)
Makarov. cut off (абонента); shut down (электричество)
math. take out of service
paraglid. release (the tow-cable)
railw. make dead; detach; isolate
railw., el. switch off
slang total; whack out (Alex Lilo); coldcock (Баян)
tech. shut off (электроток); cut off; cut out; override; deactivate
water.res. unmount
отключённый adj.
gen. floating
automat. dead (от сети)
chem. disengaged
cinema dead (Some deputies proceeded to speak to dead microphones)
comp., MS disabled (Pertaining to the state of a control in which normal functionality is not available to a user)
comp., net. off-line
dril. dead; isolated; killed
el. deenergized; switched off; open; break-down; break down
el., sec.sys. de-energized
Gruzovik, tel. offline
IT off
Makarov. passive
mil., tech. cutout; dead (о проводе, электрической цепи); detached; cut-out
O&G disabled (MichaelBurov)
oil removed from the line; power-off
slang tripped out (What did yah telling me yesterday? I could not dig it, cause you sounded too tripped out. == Что ты мне вчера говорил? Я ничего не понял, ты был какой-то отмороженный.)
softw. grayed out (об опции Баян)
tech. off-stream; deactivated; disconnected; un-energized (от питания Moon_Flower)
telecom. uncoupled; off-the-air (о радиостанции или микрофоне)
отключён prtc.
comp., MS down (Not functioning, in reference to computers, printers, communications lines on networks, and other such hardware); Appear Offline
IT None (Black Printing only, только при чёрно-белой печати)
oil permanently shut down
railw. floating
отключено adv.
dril. off-position
mil., arm.veh. off-position
tech. off; out
отключился v
Игорь Миг he collapsed
traf.contr. out (The traffic lights are out at Broadway and Hemlock. – отключился / не работает светофор ART Vancouver)
"отключиться" v
Makarov. zonk out
"отключено" adj.
mil., tech. off (о приборе; в отличие от on)
navig. off
"отключиться" v
slang bottom out (Rust71)
отключившийся prtc.
gen. zonked
отключенный adj.
mech.eng., obs. killed
"отключён" adj.
tech. disconnected
: 395 phrases in 63 subjects
Automated equipment6
Cables and cable production1
Combustion gas turbines1
Computer networks6
Criminal law1
Electrical engineering11
Energy industry9
Energy system1
Information technology8
Mass media10
Mobile and cellular communications4
Molecular biology1
News style1
Nuclear physics1
Oil / petroleum3
Oil and gas1
Operation systems1
Power system protection3
Quality control and standards1
Rail transport1
Sakhalin R1
Security systems1
Show business1
Thermal engineering1
Vibration monitoring2
Weapons of mass destruction1