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busin. renounce one's claims
fin. hold harmless from (Александр Стерляжников)
law relinquish one's claim (to – на (территорию): Munro, a lawyer, accepts that Sen̓áḵw isn’t subject to the city’s normal consultation process because it’s on reserve land, which was granted to the Squamish Nation in 2000, along with $92 million, for relinquishing its claim to Kits Point and other lands. vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
notar. sign release (seecow)
отказаться от претензии
gen. resign a claim (all claims, all pretensions, rights, property, etc., и т.д.)
adv. renounce claim; resign claim; waive claim
busin. resign a claim
dipl. give up a claim; waive a claim
EBRD abandon a claim
econ. waive; withdraw a claim
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: 7 phrases in 5 subjects