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gen. apart; aside; asunder; by itself; in two; extra
astronaut. off-line
econ. several
railw. aloof
| адресуемая
IT addressable
| секция
gen. section
| звукового компакт-диска
 звуковой компакт-диск
| её
gen. hers
| минимальная продолжительность
 минимальная продолжительность
navig. minimum duration
4 | с
el. centi-
| и
gen. and
| максима
mus. maxima
- only individual words found

adjective | adverb | to phrases
отдельный adj.stresses
gen. separate; single; distinct; detached; solitary; special; segregate; idiographic; disjunct; isolated; stray; discrete; segregated; standalone (Tanya Gesse); individual; several; independent; dividual; particular; certain (schnuller); freestanding (Anglophile); stand-alone (Александр Рыжов); self contained; unconnected; different (What those differences in behavior amount to, however, is a matter of a different conversation.); select (...the company lowered the price of its Euro-92 gasoline beginning on Dec. 3 and then the price of Euro-95 on Dec. 7. Meanwhile, gas prices for both grades decreased at select TNK-BP stations beginning Dec. 6. Alexander Demidov); not shared with another; specific (отдельно взятый, конкретный visitor); some (immortalms); selected (Vadim Rouminsky); unto itself (a discussion unto itself – отдельная дискуссия, самостоятельная дискуссия Халеев); non-attached (Aprilen); loose; piecemeal; unloose
automat. odd
bank. separate (о счёте)
bot. proper (цветок, венчик в сложном цветке)
comp. stand-alone; standalone; other (immortalms)
construct. sporadical
dril. partial
EBRD dedicated (raf)
econ. of its own (A.Rezvov)
IT alone
lat., Makarov. separatum
Makarov. divided; independent isolated; insulated; scattered; self-contained (о доме, квартире); private
mech.eng., obs. odd (не входящий в общую систему, не являющийся частью комплекта)
med. sporadic
mil. nonintegrated
notar. sole
obs. dividable
polym. unattached
progr. disjoint (ssn); just one (ssn); one (ssn); singleton (ssn); new (ssn)
railw. apart; separable
shipb. articulated
tech. disconnected; singular; separate ('More)
отдельные adj.
formal select (в данном значении только во мн.ч.: A sign affixed by the district to a tree at a nearby trailhead notifies park users of tree removal, with a message: "In the coming weeks, select trees in this area will be removed. They have become hazardous and pose a risk to public safety." nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
отдельно adv.
gen. apart; aside; asunder; by itself; in two; extra; alone (zeev); by herself; by himself; one by one (поодиночке); further (отдельно согласованных Сторонами = to be further agreed by the Parties. information from technical areas to be further agreed by the Parties. На отдельно согласованных Сторонами условиях = on terms and conditions to be further agreed by the Parties ... for certain products and fields of uses, as set forth in the Agreement and upon such terms and conditions to be further agreed by the parties. | principle with allowing such additional sales on terms to be further agreed among the parties which would include the Tribe receiving 50% ofthe profits on such ... | ... it has been appointed by L&M Group Investments Ltd. (P.LGM) to "manage L&M's involvement in the Jakarta-MRT project on terms to be further agreed upon." Alexander Demidov); discrete (newcastle); disjunctively; in isolation (VAnn); individually (The Publishers will account for each Licensed Edition individually); on an individual basis (MichaelBurov); on the individual basis (MichaelBurov); on an individual base (MichaelBurov); on the individual base (MichaelBurov); on a separate basis (MichaelBurov); particularly; individually (MichaelBurov); singly; separately (MichaelBurov); singularly (Min$draV); detachedly; dividedly; isolatedly; disconnectedly; abstractedly
astronaut. off-line (not during the presentation; обсудить)
context. outside of (т.е. отдельно от прочих элементов, вне структуры чего-либо: The Foundation understands that science does not operate outside of the rest of society. 4uzhoj)
econ. several
inf. in one's own right (Vadim Rouminsky)
law on its own (Yeldar Azanbayev); on a case-by-case basis (kOzerOg); specifically (unless the principal has specifically granted you that authority sankozh); discretely; severally
obs. disjointly
publish. as a separate installment (т.е. в отдельном номере какого-либо издания: The character Arrow-Tip does not appear until the second chapter, which was published as a separate installment in the Eagle. 4uzhoj)
railw. aloof
tech. individual basis; distinctly
отдельно адресуемая секция звукового компакт-диска , её минимальная продолжительность 4 с. и: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Mass media1