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gen. ignominious; bletcherous; hated; unsavoury
austral. slang would kill a brown dog
invect. cock-sucking; mothering
oil miserable
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gen. crime

to phrases
отвратительный adj.stresses
gen. ignominious (Nikolov); bletcherous; hated; unsavoury; disgusting; abhorrent; accursed; accurst; detestable; execrable; foul (She's in a foul mood. cambridge.org); loathsome; chronic; heinous; hideous; odious; brackish; brutal; carrion; cursed; curst; damned (часто употр. для усиления); filthy; ghoulish; gruesome; hateful; hellish; morbid; nameless; nasty; nauseous; noisome; offensive; pestilential (These pestilential flies give me no peace – Эти мерзкие мухи не дают мне покоя); poisonous; putrid; rank; repugnant; revolting; sickening; unclean; verminous; vile; villainous; brinish; hateable; ill-looking; laidly; nauseating; unedifying; awful; bestial; flagitious; horrid; ill-favored; shocking; slimy; sordid; abominable; god-awful (vogeler); of the blackest deepest dye; disgustful; yuckee (gaana.com sarayli); gross (You know that ad with the gross toenail? ART Vancouver); creepy (Vadim Rouminsky); confounded; distasteful; forbidding; fulsome; hagged; haggish; hell-hated; infamously bad; loathful; loth; mawkish; ghastly (Taras); desperate; infamous; lurid; obnoxious; squalid; unspeakable; unwholesome; abysmal; disgraceful (Mermaiden); appalling (State-run restaurants offer appalling food and service, according to tourists who visited the island. ART Vancouver); opprobrious (напр., о человеке joyand); ugly (тж. о ситуации, как и "неприглядный" Баян); repulsive (triumfov); deeply repulsive (triumfov); ill favored; ill favoured; ill looking; grueling; repellent; regurgitated (Alex1888); noxious (Taras); terrible; very bad; despicable (Taras); gut-wrenching (Taras); shuddersome (Alex_Marukov); shoddy (Bullfinch); hard on eyes (ugly КГА); seamy (Екатерина Лебедева); godawful (Oxiplegatz)
Gruzovik grim
Игорь Миг unsavory
amer. hellacious; creepy (Часто употребляются такие выражения как: creepy mom • creepy husband Dyatlova Natalia); ball-busting (Taras); fugly (Taras)
amer., inf. ornery
amer., slang gross (Picking your nose is really a gross habit Aviator)
austral. festy (Stanislav_Bulgakov)
austral., slang as ugly as a hatful of arseholes; cow (о человеке или вещи); deadshit; grotty; yukky
book. loathly
emph. ridiculous (Really nice place but traffic is ridiculous. Trying to go anywhere after 3pm is an adventure in itself. I had assumed that the four year long construction project at the north end of the bridge was supposed to fix the traffic problem but that didn't happen. ART Vancouver); hanging
fig. horror-show (plushkina)
formal deplorable (VLZ_58)
idiom. too rich for one's blood (Баян)
inf. rubbish (In London, the FM reception is absolute rubbish, due to the huge number of FM stations, both legal and illegal crowding the band. 4uzhoj); atrocious; rotten; damnable; dreadful; horrible; stinking; grotty (What's this grotty stuff they serve here? – Что за гадость они здесь подают? Taras); miserable; evil; beastly
invect. cock-sucking; mothering; mother fucking
Makarov. ill-favoured; of the deepest dye; sickly; of the blackest dye; wretched
med. revulsive
obs. depulsory; lothe; lothful; lothly; lothsome; mawmish; nefandous; odible; repulsory; whoreson (igisheva)
oil miserable (о запахе)
relig. abomination; execratory; obscene
rude lousy; snotty (kee46)
Scotl. foustie (КГА)
slang gee (This is just too gee! Это так отвратительно! Interex); crumby; faust; off-putting; vomity; twerpy (КГА); fierce; yucky; bugly (Vitusa); icky ("The food is really icky in the school cafeteria." Franka_LV); icky-poo (Interex); ripe (Interex); scuzzy (Interex); shag-nasty (Interex); skeevy (Interex); skrungy (Interex); sleazoid (Interex); slummy (Interex); snottie (Interex); wenchy (Interex); whenchy (Interex); suck dead gophers (Barbos); sucky (Artjaazz); scumbaggy (VLZ_58)
south.afr. sif (Aly19)
vulg. crum; crumb; crummy; hell around; hell; shitty; you-know-where; manky; yacky; cunty (nicknicky777)
что-либо отвратительное adj.
Makarov. weed
Makarov., inf. atrocity
slang mung (Interex); yuck (Interex)
отвратительное adj.
gen. dunghill
отвратительныйчеловек, предмет adj.
slang pukey (Interex); pukoid (Interex)
о пище отвратительный adj.
austral., slang would kill a brown dog
something отвратительный adj.
emph. hell of a (см. helluva, hellova)
кто-либо отвратителен adj.
slang yuck (Interex)
отвратительное: 291 phrases in 33 subjects
American usage, not spelling4
British usage, not spelling1
Humorous / Jocular1
Ice hockey2
Mass media1
Notarial practice1
Obsolete / dated3
Public relations1