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отвлечься vstresses
gen. digress (from); prescind (мысленно); take mind off things (ptyashka); excurse; step back (ssn); loose focus (ketrin123); distract oneself (e.g. Cycling is my favourite way to distract myself. Soulbringer); divert one's attention; wind down (Анна Ф); think beyond (george serebryakov); distract himself (Alex_Odeychuk); distract herself (Alex_Odeychuk); distract oneself (Alex_Odeychuk); be distracted (на что-либо: One of the keys to memory is focus, he revealed. For instance, if you forget where you parked your car, it may be because you were distracted when you were leaving the vehicle. – вас что-то отвлекло coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik divert one's attention (pf of отвлекаться)
Игорь Миг go off-piste
busin. snap out of it (Johnny Bravo)
idiom. let one's attention wander (Don't let your attention wander when the headmaster is speaking, my lad. – Не отвлекайся ... ART Vancouver)
inf. stop what you're doing (SirReal); get sidetracked (VLZ_58); switch gears (nickz)
Makarov. get distracted; keep one's mind off (someone); prescind from; step back from
Makarov., inf. be miles away; be miles off
math. be distracted; abstract
tib. gyeng ba
отвлечь v
gen. avert; distract; divert; draw away; call off (внимание); draw off; divert thoughts (кого-либо); bring about (cemcem4ik); withdraw; put off (от чего-либо); warp (from; от чего-либо); pull away; disrupt (в контексте, напр., "disrupt a conversation" – "отвлечь от разговора" Рина Грант); throw off (Maggotka); take away (suburbian)
Gruzovik drag away (pf of отвлекать); pull away
idiom. take one's mind off sth (чтобы пациент меньше чувствовал боль и т.п. ситуации: I remember being in a hospital in Vernon 10 years ago with my gf who broke her wrist. We were joking a bit trying to take her mind off it. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
inf. lure away (take smb. away: "Can I lure you away from your work-out for a minute?" Cooleshova)
Makarov. put off (от чего-либо); warp from (от чего-либо)
math. abstract; digress
sport., Makarov. lead away (противника)
 Russian thesaurus
отвлекшись v
gen. деепр. от отвлечься
отвлекши v
gen. деепр. от отвлечь
: 125 phrases in 16 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Mass media1
Public relations2