gen. |
answerable; amenable; responsible; chargeable; important (в значении важный bookworm); major (в значении важный bookworm); conscientious (Maxxicum); designated (за что-либо bookworm); owner (e.g. risk owner – ответственный за риски twinkie); officer (напр., Pharmaceutical Safety Officer – ответственный за фармакологическую безопасность K48); high-level; demanding (напр., о технологической операции Sergei K); under the competence (подсудный); under the jurisdiction (подсудный); scrupulous; liable (Remember there is a hierarchy of liability which means, for example, a tenant is liable before a licensee and the owner may be liable where ... | Finally, under the law of tort there was no State responsibility for the liquidator's acts, whereas he was liable before the creditors. Kotov v. Russia Alexander Demidov); accountable; momentous (Liv Bliss); high-stakes (Artjaazz); detail-oriented (Alex Peters); zero-tolerance (Administrators should use common sense though and even in schools with the zero-tolerance incidents can be "overlooked" but every time they are you open yourself up to personal liability which can affect your livelihood and your family. Setting a so-called zero-tolerance standard and pushing out young people for any violation of a series of expectations is thought to preserve high standards for the remaining, "good" students and help create firm boundaries. A zero-tolerance policy is one which imposes strict punishment for infractions of a stated rule, with the intention of eliminating undesirable conduct. Alexander Demidov); culpable (за что-либо негативное Ремедиос_П); responsible (в функции наречия: Whether you own a male or female, you must act responsible. I. Havkin); impeachable; sponsible; upstanding (an upstanding businessman vogeler); in charge (за что-л.); in charge of (за что-л.) |
Gruzovik |
answerable (перед кем за что); essential |
account. |
responsible (напр., об исполнителе) |
Apollo-Soyuz |
сущ. individual responsible for (something) |
astronaut. |
mission-critical (требующий безотказного функционирования в течение всего времени выполнения целевой задачи; говоря о системе, узле, функции Phyloneer) |
auto. |
heavy duty (о деталях машины) |
book. |
dutiful (тщательно исполняющий свои обязанности igisheva) |
busin. |
SPA (за проект; single point of accountability zsmith) |
comp., MS |
owner (The user who is responsible for a particular record in the system. The owner is frequently allowed to perform actions on the record that other users cannot) |
dipl. |
high-level; chef de file (jaime marose) |
econ. |
accountable |
el. |
answering |
fig. |
point man (по какому-либо направлению: Mikhail Margelov, President Dmitry Medvedev's special envoy for Africa and Moscow's point man in the simmering conflict, said Ilyumzhinov had informed him about the upcoming visit last Friday. Дмитрий_Р) |
HR |
tag (за какую-либо сферу деятельности Ася Кудрявцева) |
inf. |
point person (за ч-либо; Who is the point person for this? – Кто этим занимается? | Чей это вопрос? | Кто в курсе дел? visitor); can carrier (обыкн. за чужие ошибки) |
IT |
contact; critical |
law |
amenable (перёд законом); amenable (перед законом) |
Makarov. |
answerable (за что-либо) |
mar.law |
chargeable (за что-либо) |
math. |
crucial; answerable (for) |
mech.eng., obs. |
heavy duty (о деталях машины и т.п.); heavy service (о деталях машины и т.п.); high duty (о деталях машины и т.п.) |
mil. |
manager |
mil., arm.veh. |
heavy-duty (о деталях машины) |
mil., tech. |
heavy-duty (узел конструкции) |
mining. |
in charge |
O&G, sakh. |
responsible party |
obs. |
responsal |
oil |
person in charge |
patents. |
liable |
product. |
PIC (Yeldar Azanbayev) |
railw. |
safety-related (railwayman) |
SAP. |
employee responsible; person responsible |
slang |
dinkum; self-disciplined (качество характера Damirules) |
book. |
amenable (перед чем-либо, кем-либо) |
gen. |
action on (пометка в резолюции совещания в значении "поручить такому-то" Dominator_Salvator) |