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gen. dregs of humanity (Хемингуэй polbest); scum of the earth (Andrey Truhachev); scum of society (Andrey Truhachev); lees of society (Andrey Truhachev); dregs of society (Taras); discards of society (from Tom Sharpe's "Wilt in Nowhere" Stanislav Silinsky); the rejects (Marsha_Umansky); deplorables (Ivan Pisarev)
austral., jarg. talent
contempt. the filth of the world (Artjaazz)
ed. human driftwood
fig.of.sp. human drift-wood
idiom. the bottom of the heap (Mira_G)
inf. lowlifes (Examples of people who are often called "lowlifes" are thieves, drug dealers, drug users, alcoholics, thugs, prostitutes and pimps. Val_Ships)
Makarov. the dregs of society; the scum of society; the scum of the earth; the very dregs of the population
Makarov., contempt. the great unwashed
n.amer. white trash (Ivan Pisarev)
slang riff raff (Идиома. Vlad X)
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gen. social misfit (Notburga)
law forgotten man (The term "Forgotten Man" was coined by William Graham Sumner, Professor of Political Economy and Sociology at Yale. The term was later redefined and used by Franklin Delano Roosevelt during a campaign speech he delivered on April 7, 1932. wikipedia.org vwv)
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: 4 phrases in 4 subjects