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verb | verb | to phrases
остриться vstresses
gen. feel like cracking jokes; sharpen; whet
Gruzovik become sharp; feel like joking (onal); feel like cracking jokes (onal)
Gruzovik, obs. crack jokes (= острить); make jokes (= острить); wisecrack (= острить); be witty (= острить); make a witticism (= острить)
острить v
gen. sharpen joke; be witty; quibble; point; wisecrack; humorize; jest; joke; make witty remarks (Anglophile); make gags (на сцене ART Vancouver); witticize; feel like cracking jokes; feel like joking; make jokes; make witticism; quip (Anglophile); acuate; acuminate; sharp; squib; crack jokes
Gruzovik crack jokes; sharpen; make a witticism (impf of сострить)
Игорь Миг poke fun
amer. crack wise
dipl. make a wisecrack
inf. gag; make cracks (Apart from the fact that I was aware that he played chess and shared with Catsmeat's current fiancée a dislike for hearing policemen make cracks about Jonah and the Whale, the Rev. Sidney Pirbright had hitherto been a sealed book to me, and this was, of course, the first time I had seen him in action. (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
Makarov. snip-snap
Makarov., inf., amer. wise off (над кем-либо)
mech.eng. edge; keen
met. whet
misused be ironic (SirReal)
obs. whittle
slang wise-crack
: 11 phrases in 6 subjects
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