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остаться незамеченнымstresses
gen. avoid observation; escape observation; slip under the radar (felog); escape observancy; fall through the cracks (anealin); fall between the cracks (Thus we see many students falling between the cracks – achieving neither mainstream success nor maintenance of their own cultural traditions. BabEnSp Alexander Demidov); pass undetected (Andrey Truhachev); go unnoticed (his arrival didn't go unnoticed – его прибытие не осталось незамеченным Рина Грант); slip past the radar (Ремедиос_П); pass by without notice (Ремедиос_П)
Игорь Миг be under the radar
busin. goes unnoticed (dimock)
idiom. fly under the radar (ART Vancouver); slip through the cracks (With other issues like drug addiction and unemployment taking priority for the government, the welfare of children in the foster system very often slips through the cracks. VLZ_58); fly under one's radar (для Баян)
inf. drop off radar (It's a good time to reach out to folks who've dropped off your radar.; Также может использоваться фразовый глагол "fall off" или предлог "beneath" после глагола "drop". VLZ_58)
Makarov. go unheeded; go unobserved; pass unnoticed; remain unseen
O&G, casp. under radar (Yeldar Azanbayev)
остаться незамеченной
Makarov. escape detection (об ошибке и т.п.)
остаться незамеченным
: 17 phrases in 5 subjects
Mass media1