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adjective | verb | verb | verb | to phrases
осознающий adj.stresses
gen. alive; cognisant (Даниил84); conscious (of sth. -- что-л. ART Vancouver); aware (что-либо)
busin. aware of
el. perceivable
Makarov. sensible; aware
осознать v
gen. acknowledge; perceive; recognize; wake; awake; be aware (of rechnik); apperceive; awake to; unravel something (bigmaxus); catch on to (VLZ_58); sense; understand (чем-либо); cotton on to something (тот факт, что Artjaazz); recollect oneself (Andrey Truhachev); grasp; get; awaken; realize; see reason (Andrey Truhachev); wrap one's mind around something (to find a way to understand or accept (something)  capricolya); wrap one's head around something (capricolya); come to a realisation (suburbian); come to a realization (suburbian); become aware of; come to terms with (что-л. Alex_Odeychuk)
осознавать v
gen. be aware of; awake; perceive; recognize; sense; get wise to (что-либо); be conscious of (something, что-либо bookworm); get wise to (понимать, что-либо); recognise (gerge); grow aware (of ivvi); find; register (He did not elaborate, and his audience – and television viewers – barely had time to register what he had said before proceeding to three more proposals... TMT Alexander Demidov); learn about (sissoko); cotton on to (MichaelBurov); grasp; awaken; appreciate (Ремедиос_П); prehend (Each portrait is a futile attempt to prehend the unseen. I. Havkin); be alert to something (bookworm); be sensible of something (чувствовать, что-либо); sink in (it took a moment or two for her words to sink in – потребовалась секунда или две, чтобы осознать, что она сказала Taras); be mindful of (Mr. Wolf); grapple (grapple with something — to try to solve a problem : to deal with a problem: an attempt to grapple with this very difficult issue vogeler); grapple with (grapple with something — to try to solve a problem : to deal with a problem: an attempt to grapple with this very difficult issue vogeler); realise (suburbian); become aware of
осознать v
Игорь Миг see the writing on the wall
осознавать v
Игорь Миг have a clue; be deeply aware of; catch on to (что-либо)
amer. be cognizant of (He is cognizant of his duties as a father. Val_Ships)
book. apperceive
осознать v
busin. get smth or (smb)
осознавать v
busin. make aware of
el. realize
осознать v
fig. fathom (/arts Осознать, разобраться в чем то. Пример использования, что-то плохое случилось (кого-то убили) и близкие переживают. Причина и сами события непонятны людям. Охваченный своим эмоциями, близкий друг может сказать It was inconceivable to fathom this happening. mazurov)
fig.of.sp. get the idea (AlexandraM)
idiom. wrap one's mind around something (an idea, notion or fact isidora77); come to grips with ("Our Broncos family is in shock as we try to come to grips with our incredible loss," Kevin Garinger, the team's president, said in a statement. VLZ_58); come to realize (The 17-year-old soldier who was eager to join the trenches in France comes to realize the horrors of warfare. ART Vancouver)
inf. get a sense (Анна Ф); the penny dropped; cotton on to (Andrey Truhachev)
осознавать v
inf. dig (jouris-t)
labor.org. wake up to (Now business people have started to wake up to the theory's possibilities Fesenko)
осознать v
Makarov. awake to (что-либо); be conscious (of); wake to; wake up to
осознавать v
Makarov. be sensible of (что-либо); awake to; be conscious (of); become aware; understand
осознать v
Makarov., inf. get the message
math. become cognizant of; comprehend; see; understand
осознавать v
math. become cognizant of
oil wake up to
psychol. apprehend; know
осознать v
scient. advance the view (A.Rezvov)
slang rap to
осознавать v
slang on the uptake (You're quick on the uptake. – А ты быстро соображаешь juliab.copyright)
uncom. assume (bellb1rd)
осознаваться v
gen. perceive; realize
осознать что-л. v
inf. wrap one's head around something (to understand something, especially something strange or out of the ordinary: to find a way to understand or accept (something) КГА)
осознаваемый prtc.
psychol. reportable (Min$draV)
осознаться v
gen. soak in (Serena soaks in the moment after semifinal loss GeorgeK)
осознавая v
dipl. being aware
осознающий действительность adj.
neuropsychol. cognizant (Scott in Costa Mesa, California, recommended listeners play music for their loved ones suffering from Alzheimer's or dementia, noting the music should be from their era. "There's something about the music and the synapses... they become cognizant again," Scott said. You may be able to briefly converse with them, he added. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
: 372 phrases in 41 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
Artificial intelligence1
Bookish / literary1
Cliche / convention1
Criminal law4
Data processing1
Labor organization1
Mass media3
Notarial practice1
Occupational health & safety1