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gen. lapse of attention (за рулём, при исполнении служебных обязанностей и т.п.: The man who was behind the wheel in a crash in downtown Vancouver three years ago, killing a baby and seriously hurting her father, has been acquitted on all charges. In acquitting Zadeh of all charges, B.C. Provincial Court Judge Katherine Denhoff noted there were no drugs or alcohol involved, and no evidence of any issues with his driving before the crash. Denhoff ruled that while Zadeh’s single, momentary lapse of attention had a tragic outcome, it was not a criminal act. -- хотя Задэ отвлёкся на короткое время (globalnews.ca) ART Vancouver)
avia., med. inattention
med. washout (Анна Ф)
psychol. detraction
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