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gen. organic; orderly; organized; ordinate; formed; well-handled
chem. orchestrated
econ. arranged; formal
| и
gen. and
| контролируемое движение
 контролируемое движение
robot. controlled motion
| людей
gen. people
| в здании
 в здании
gen. on the premises
| из
gen. amongst
| зон
gen. zone
| в которых
 в котором
Makarov. wherein
| возможно воздействие
 возможное воздействие
adv. potential effect
| на
gen. on
| н
auto. N
- only individual words found

verb | verb | adjective | to phrases
организовать vstresses
gen. organize; arrange for (транспорт и т. п.: They'll arrange for transport for you to get back. • I'll arrange for a helicopter to take us to Teterboro. Tanya Gesse); make arrangements for (что-либо: In case I can't attend, I will make necessary arrangements for another parent to chaperone my child. – ...обязуюсь организовать сопровождение моего ребенка другим взрослым.); spin up (контекстуально, напр., We've looked at spinning up storage on Azure, в разговорной речи может быть "поднять" (напр., сервер) vlad-and-slav); arrange for (sth., что-л.); clean up; put up; arrange; regiment; sponsor; stage; misarrange; stage-manage; arrange matters (so that/as bookworm); start up (Anglophile); pitch; set up (Nadia U.); organise (Andrew Goff); stage manage; fix up; host (какое-либо мероприятие на своей территории D.Lutoshkin); put into place (grafleonov); structure; engineer (путем происков, махинаций); form; start (напр., start a club – организовать клуб AlexandraM); mount (e.g. a campaign: The CIA also mounted a psychological campaign to convince the Guatemalan people and government that Armas' victory was a fait accompli. MargeWebley); sort out (некую совокупность A.Rezvov); put together (e.g. put together a wedding – организовать свадьбу Maria Klavdieva); offer (предложить MichaelBurov); arrange date for sb with sb (кому-либо) свидание (с кем-либо Voledemar)
Игорь Миг field
austral., slang tee up (He says he can arrange this real easy and he'll tee it all up this evening.); bung on
comp. manage
dipl. hold (мероприятие)
idiom. put in place (jouris-t)
idiom., amer. get one's ducks in a row (Tanya Gesse)
inf. get things going (Okay, you need to go get things going. VLZ_58); fix (1. В значении "сделать", "состряпать" (синоним: сообразить): Can you fix us a meal? 2. В значении "договориться", "устроить": Sonny is going to fix it so that the guys on the Lao side of the border crossing ain't going to ask any questions and they are just going to wave our jeeps through the check-points. 4uzhoj); shake out (VLZ_58)
IT orchestrate (Таненбаум Э. С., Бос Х. Современные операционные системы. – 4-е изд., 2015: orchestrate effective solutions to complex problems — организовать эффективное решение больших задач MargeWebley); orchestrate (Alex_Odeychuk)
Makarov. line up; make arrangements (for; что-либо); put on; set on foot (что-либо); stage-manage (мероприятие и т. п.)
Makarov., inf. tee up
O&G, sakh. launch (напр., производство оборудования 'More)
slang jack up (в смысле "устроить": 5) To arrange: NZ: since ca. 1930. 'l'll get an early start tomorrow – l've jacked up a lift into town' google.ru Tamerlane); bump; Satchel
организованный adj.
gen. organic; orderly; organized; ordinate; formed; well-handled; organised; methodical (DC); curated ("Here at the Toronto International Film Festival, there are posters for an upcoming Guillermo del Toro-curated exhibit called 'Influences' that will let you sample the movies and books and music that fed the director's fervid imagination." – David Edelstein, Vulture, 14 Sept. 2017 VLZ_58); organical; well-organized
Gruzovik managed; disciplined
brit. sorted (She is so sorted. VLZ_58)
busin. regulated (Alexander Matytsin)
chem. orchestrated
econ. arranged; formal
el. regular
fin. fixed
inf. together (sb who does things in a sensible organized way Clepa)
invest. institutional (в отличие от индивидуального, напр., инвестора Vadim Rouminsky)
oil stationary non-fugitive (olzu)
sport. structured (We found a way against a good team, a team that works extremely hard. It's a structured team. VLZ_58)
uncom. cosmic
организоваться v
gen. get one's act together (Andrey Truhachev); arrange; organize; be organized (antonv); be organized (antonv); organize oneself (I would not be able to organise myself in order to do homework on a regular basis. oxforddictionaries.com margarita09); get organized (Alex_Odeychuk); get your act together (Дмитрий_Р)
Gruzovik become organized (impf and pf)
Игорь Миг gang up
Makarov. get organized (объединиться); get your act together
vulg. hold one's shit together (to begin to proceed in an effective way : to become prepared, organized, etc.: The team's defense just couldn't seem to get its shit together КГА)
"организовать" v
gen. organize (устроить, раздобыть)
inf. organize (cf. Ger. organisieren MichaelBurov)
организовано adv.
amer. being hosted by (kiberline)
организованное и контролируемое движение людей в здании из зон , в которых возможно воздействие на: 2 phrases in 1 subject
Firefighting and fire-control systems2