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gen. fertilize; spray; pollen; spray with insecticide dust; spritz (Artjaazz); fructify ("I don't care for the jokey body language and elaborate costuming of the four male bees in the Waltz of the Flowers, and yet I find myself paying close attention each time to how tightly they're woven into the musical tapestry. They're not just there to fructify the 16 female flowers, they also become part of one dance pattern after another…." – Alastair Macaulay, The New York Times, 16 Dec. 2013 VLZ_58); pollinate
bot. pollinize
Gruzovik, agric. spray with insecticide dust (impf of опылить)
Gruzovik, bot. pollinate (impf of опылить)
Makarov. dust
опыляться v
gen. spray with insecticide dust
agric. pollinate
опыляющий prtc.
biol. pollinating
: 16 phrases in 4 subjects