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опционный контракт
 опционный контракт
gen. option contract
econ. option contract; option contract; option contact
IMF. option contract; option
| на основе
 на основе
gen. predicated on
archit. inspired by
Makarov. assisted
| фондовых индексов
 фондовый индекс
bank. share index

to phrases
опционный контрактstresses
gen. option contract (см. тж. option; A unilateral contract giving the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a commodity, or a futures contract, at a specified price within a certain time period. It is unilateral because only one party the buyer has the right to demand performance on the contract. If the buyer exercises his right, the seller writer or grantor must fulfill his obligation at the strike price, regardless of the current market price of the asset. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary Alexander Demidov)
econ. option contract (dimock); option contract (см. тж. option); option contact (dimock)
IMF. option contract; option
invest. options contract
опционный контракт: 30 phrases in 6 subjects
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