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verb | verb | to phrases
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fig. enlist the support of (against)
Gruzovik, fig. enlist the support of against (pf of ополчать)
Gruzovik, obs. arm against (pf of ополчать)
obs. arm (against)
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gen. gang up on (someone); против кого-либо Anglophile); take up arms (against); turn against (someone на кого-либо Taras); gang up (scherfas); turn on (someone); против кого-либо Побеdа)
fig. assail; sail into; be up in arms (against); take aim at (на кого-либо/что-либо; раскритиковать A.Rezvov)
Gruzovik, fig. be up in arms against (pf of ополчаться)
Gruzovik, obs. take up arms (pf of ополчаться)
inf. gang up against/on (на кого-либо) felog); get bashed (против кого-л. (требует замены конструкции): I'm looking at buying an investment property, and I was just wondering where other people started. ... Before I get bashed, I am not looking to take advantage of people. I have a 2 bedroom suite that I currently rent out for 1,500/month. (Reddit) -- Прежде чем все против меня ополчатся ... ART Vancouver)
Makarov. gang up on; take arms
ополчить: 15 phrases in 3 subjects