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опасное положениеstresses
gen. precipice; near toucher; tight-rope; a close shave; razor-edge; tightrope; plight
Игорь Миг troubled situation
adv. tight corner
amer., Makarov. a close call; close call
busin. insecure position
dipl. precarious situation
idiom. deep waters (Англо-русский фразеологический словарь А.В. Кунина, М., 1984: "These are deep waters... Be cautious and think twice." – R.L. Stevenson 'Catriona', Ch.3 – "Это дело серьёзное... Будьте осторожны и хорошенько всё обдумайте." • "These are much deeper waters than I had thought." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Положение гораздо серьёзнее, чем я думал. ART Vancouver)
inf. close thing
law insecurity
Makarov. a near go; a near shave; a near squeak; a near touch; close shave; narrow shave; near go; near shave; near squeak; near thing; near touch; tight place; tight spot; tight squeeze; touchy situation; a near thing
med. dangerous state; touch-and-go
mil., inf. crunch
O&G near-hit (градация инцидента, не приведшего к травме, ухудшению здоровья или смерти (OHSAS 18001-2007, п. 3.9) Oleksandr Spirin)
oil hazard
psychol. hazardous condition
slang squeaker
wrest. position of danger
опасном положении: 56 phrases in 12 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Oil / petroleum1
Security systems1
United Nations2