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окосеть vstresses
Игорь Миг get hammered
Gruzovik, fig. get dead-drunk
Gruzovik, ophtalm. become cross-eyed
Makarov. be boozed up (опьянеть); be under the weather (опьянеть); become bleary-eyed (опьянеть); become cross-eyed (стать косоглазым); become drunk (опьянеть); lose one's wits
окосел v
idiom. couldn't see straight (after: 'I would have thought by this time you would have asked her to marry you, which seems to be your normal practice five minutes after you've met any girl who isn't actually repulsive. But I suppose you couldn't see straight after all that port.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
American usage, not spelling1