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gen. denoted; designated; the aforesaid; marked; designed
law such
relig. benempt
fig. leave a trace
| площадь
gen. square

verb | verb | adjective | to phrases
означиться vstresses
gen. signify; become noticeable; designate; indicate; mean; denote; stand (for)
Gruzovik become noticeable (pf of означаться)
fig. leave a trace (of)
означить v
gen. designate; stand (for)
Gruzovik designate (pf of означать); stand (pf of означать)
fig. leave a trace (of)
math. indicate; mean; signify; denote
означенный adj.
gen. denoted; designated; designed
Gruzovik the aforesaid; marked
law such (Leonid Dzhepko)
relig. benempt
означенная: 2 phrases in 2 subjects