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adjective | verb | to phrases
ограбленные adj.stresses
gen. stripmined (That our "leadership" reckons bread and circuses is what the stripmined bottom 90% want is beyond pathetic zerohedge.com akrivobo)
ограбить v
gen. depredate; despoil; forage; pinch; plunder; ransack; sack; strip; reive away; reive from; reive; stuck up; sac; stick up; pillage; rifle; take down (In need of money to pay Madrazo, Michael takes down a Rockford Hills Jewel Store with Franklin and a crew. 4uzhoj); rob (He robbed three banks before he was caught. • The best way to rob a bank is to own one.); wipe one's nose of; raff
Игорь Миг pull off a robbery
fig. loot
Gruzovik, forens. sack (pf of ограблять); pillage (pf of ограблять, грабить)
inf. knock over (The bandits knocked over another bank, making three this week.); pluck
law bereave (Право международной торговли On-Line)
law, jarg. pinch (человека)
Makarov., obs. deliver of (кого-либо)
Makarov., slang knock off; turn over
obs. spoil; deliver (кого-либо); pick feathers off (обчистить, "пощипать", кого-либо)
slang burn; charge; clip; erase; jump; kick over; knock it; knock it off; nine; open; root; take; take off; tip over; blag (фильм "Snatch" Kachalov); phutz (Interex); futz (Interex); whack out (Alex Lilo); yench (Interex); roll (беспомощную жертву); burglarize (Val_Ships); mug (кого-либо Interex); work over (This guy was worked over after midnight. == Этого парня ночью избили.)
ограбленный adj.
gen. bereft (MargeWebley); rifled; spoiled
law looted; mugged (на улице); robbed
O&G, tengiz. ransacked
poetic reft
Robbed – ограбленный adj.
slang Blagged (Charley)
ограбленные: 84 phrases in 14 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Criminal jargon1
Criminal law1
Prison slang1