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обычаи делового оборотаstresses
gen. good business practices; usage of trade; practice of doing business (Lavrov); codes of business conducts (Alexander Matytsin); business customs (ABelonogov); customs of commerce (P.B. Maggs ABelonogov); usual business practice (Lavrov); business ethics (Alexander Matytsin)
busin. trade usage (hizman)
econ. good business custom (MyxuH)
law business conduct (ГК РФ gennier); customary business practices (согласно Гражданскому кодексу Incognita)
обычай делового оборота
gen. business custom (ABelonogov); custom of commerce (P.B. Maggs ABelonogov)
EBRD normal business practice (Alexander Demidov); market practice (raf); business practice; usual business practice
econ. usance of business circulation (dimock)
law usual and customary business practices (Alexander Demidov)
обычаи делового оборота
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects