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общественная деятельностьstresses
gen. public activity; public work (If it should happen that any public work is undertaken without an interested motive, it will only be by accident, until the day when education has changed our ways of regarding things in France. The Country Doctor by de Balzac, Honore I'm going to Torwood Park to see him myself; only about his public work, of course, and the wonderful stand he is making for his principles. The Man Who Knew Too Much by Chesterton, Gilbert K. It appears too by his laws, that he intends to establish only a small state, as all the artificers are to belong to the public, and add nothing to the complement of citizens; but if all those who are to be employed in public works are to be the slaves of the public, it should be done in the same manner as it is at Epidamnum, and as Diophantus formerly regulated it at Athens. A Treatise on Government by Aristotle. TFD Alexander Demidov); social work (work carried out by trained personnel with the aim of alleviating the conditions of those people in a community suffering from social deprivation. NOED. the work done by someone who works for a government or private organization that helps people who have financial or family problems: She is doing social work. He has a job in social work. MWALD Alexander Demidov); social activism (НаташаВ); community service (Community service is donated service or activity that is performed by someone or a group of people for the benefit of the public or its institutions. wiki Alexander Demidov); public life (work that involves being known to a lot of people, especially in politics, but also in religion and education After losing the election, he played no further part in public life. MED. Public service or a term of public service by an appointed or elected official. AHD Alexander Demidov); Extracurricular activities (maximrrrr); extracurricular activities (раздел в резюме maximrrrr)
adv. public services
busin. movement
ed. community activity (атир)
Makarov. social activity
notar. community work
polit. public activities (Maria Klavdieva)
общественная деятельность
: 52 phrases in 17 subjects
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