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gen. orthodox opinions
общепринятое мнение
gen. received opinion; the received opinion; popular opinion (dimock); commonly held opinion (Kate_S); conventional wisdom (Markbusiness); conventional thinking (Moscowtran); orthodox view (Novoross); conventional wisdom (a widely held belief on which most people act: Conventional wisdom has it that it is impossible to combine successful motherhood with a successful career, but there are many examples which prove this wrong — Большинство людей считает, что невозможно сочетать успешную карьеру и счастливое материнство, но существует множество примеров, которые доказывают обратное Taras); received wisdom (то же, что и conventional wisdom; knowledge or information that people generally believe is true, although in fact it is often false Taras)
Игорь Миг cliche
account. current opinion
amer. popular perceptions (Aprilen)
econ. orthodox opinion
lat. communis opinio (acrogamnon)
philos. doxa (Tallulah)
psychol. current opinions
общепринятые мнения
: 14 phrases in 3 subjects
Mass media1
Obsolete / dated1