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verb | verb | to phrases
обхватить vstresses
gen. brace; cope; enclasp; enfold; pin arms to his sides; put one's arms round something (что-либо linton); wrap around (ckasey78); douse; embrace; encompass; envelope; include; put arms around; seize; shroud; surround; grasp; nestle; be overcome; cover; pour over; have hold; take hold; get hold; hug; infold; take about; put one’s arms around; clamp around (The crawler dragged her into a riverbed and dunked her head in the water, attempting to drown her. Then she heard a loud cracking sound loud enough to be heard under the water, and the crawler let go of her. She pulled her head out of the water to see her police dog with its vice-like jaws firmly clamped around the crawler's upper forearm. The arm hung limp, and she could tell it had been broken. -- своими челюстями обхватила словно тисками его предплечье (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik clasp (pf of обхватывать); put one's arms around; overcome (pf of обхватывать); embrace (pf of обхватывать); encompass (pf of обхватывать); envelop (pf of обхватывать); surround (pf of обхватывать); shroud (pf of обхватывать); include (pf of обхватывать); cover (pf of обхватывать); pour over (pf of обхватывать); douse (pf of обхватывать); seize (pf of обхватывать)
fig. take in
Makarov. pin someone's arms to his sides; twine (борьба)
обхватиться v
gen. clasp; douse; embrace; encompass; envelope; include; put arms around; seize; shroud; surround; be overcome; cover; pour over
Gruzovik embrace one another (pf of обхватываться)
обхваченный prtc.
sport. wrapped around
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: 39 phrases in 4 subjects