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gen. be put to flight (put (one) to flight To cause someone to flee. Often used in passive constructions.: The rebels were put to flight by the advancing army. - 'More); turn one's back; turn back; turn tail; turn one's back on; make a hasty retreat; take to flight; show brush (Vadim Rouminsky); betake one's self heels; turn to flight; take to the heels; betake one's self to one's heels; turn the tail
Makarov. take flight
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gen. put to flight (to cause to run away; rout (=to defeat and cause to flee in confusion): The rebels were put to flight by the advancing army.); rout; chase away; turn to flight; revolt; put to the rout; put to rout; send flying; stampede; rout someone out (Andrey Truhachev)
Игорь Миг fend off
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gen. set flying
Makarov. get someone on the run; have someone on the run; keep someone on the run
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gen. put to flight ((someone) caused to leave or run away: The expression on the guard's face told Erik this was no movement of soldiers under order, but men put to flight by terror. 'More); routed
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: 23 phrases in 3 subjects
Historical figure1