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gen. attach (на имущество); foreclose (напр., на недвижимое имущество)
law recover (на имущество); foreclose (напр., на недвижимое имущество Lavrov); levy execution (upon – на что-либо; No one will understand "levy execution". "Levy" is usually only used with taxes, or troop levies. Always try to avoid 17th century common law language.: Upon a writ issued by the Court, any peace officer may levy execution on any property of the judgment debtor except - (1) His wearing apparel up to a total of $300 in value; (2) His beds, bedding, household furniture and furnishings, stove, and cooking utensils, up to a total of $300 in value; and (3) Mechanics tools and implements of the debtor's trade up to a total of $200 in value. (c) Within 60 days after levy of execution, a peace officer shall sell the seized property at public sale and shall pay the proceeds to the Clerk of the Court. cornell.edu); repossess (напр., на имущество должника в связи с непогашением задолженности)
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: 31 phrases in 9 subjects
Corporate governance1
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development2
Notarial practice1