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обогрев линийstresses
gen. heat tracing (The paralleling of instrumentation, product or heavy crude oil, lines with small-diameter steam piping or electrical heat tape to keep the fines from freezing or to warm the product or instrument fluid sufficiently to keep them flowing freely. Heat tracing lines. whether steam or electrical tape, are attached parallel to the host piping and both are covered with insulation. (Babylon Glossary of Petroleum Industry) Alexander Demidov)
O&G, sahk.s. heat trace
обогрев линии
gen. heat trace (noted in line number: e-electrical, S-steam, H-hot water; примечания в номере линии: e-электрический, S-пар, H-горячая вода eternalduck)
обогрев линий
: 8 phrases in 5 subjects
Energy industry2
Oil / petroleum1
Oil and gas1
Sakhalin R1